Sunday, March 18, 2012

Point Fermin Tidepools

We had a lot of fun when my parents were here just over a week ago. My mom LOVES tide pools so we visited the Point Fermin Tidepools in Long Beach. It is gorgeous and we even saw an octopus. I tried catching it, but after touching it several times, I got a little nervous that it could hurt me. Later, a school group came and so we told the teacher there was an octupus in the tide pool. She said they wont hurt you, maybe ink you, which she said is sticky and groose, or their beak could pearce the skin. In fact, she said they are very curious and will come to you if you put your hand out. For some reason, sticking my hand around a dark crevice and letting it wrap it's tentacles around my hand freaked me out, so one of her students tried and ended up trying to grab it and then it just lodged itself further under a rock. It was pretty exciting though. The pools were teaming with life and I did capture a small rock crab for my mom.

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