We had a wonderful time in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving! The highlight of the meal were these little decorated Turkeys made out of Oreos and candy that were placed on everyone's plate before the meal was started. My mom found the idea online and we had a blast making them. I went to over 8 different stores across Edmond, Oklahoma trying to find candy corn. Apparently, candy corn is super popular during the season and we finally found some at a hardware store. It was worth all the trips to get the needed ingredients.
They are rather easy to make and my niece and nephew LOVED the Turkeys!
We caught him after about 2-3 pluckings, but how could you get mad at this sweet face?
Mom and dad are the best cooks and we enjoyed our family favorites of: Turkey, Cranberry Jello, Stuffing, Sweet Potatoes, and of course pumpkin pie!!! Yumm!
Andy flew in on Thursday morning and we enjoyed a lot of R&R, food, and of course football. Just spending time together is a blessing and we will take every moment (he usually works 12-14hr days at the firm).
We kept the family tradition alive and did the Turkey Trot! This year Edmond held their first ever Turkey Trot so we didnt have to drive to OKC. It was very VERY cold and windy, but we managed to push Kate and Chase in their strollers while my brother and sister in law ran the 5k. They both did awesome, but as we did the Turkey 1 Mile Wobble (yes they called it a 1 mile wobble and yes I did wobble the whole time being 7 months along). I wish I would have gotten a picture of Chase and Kate frozen in their stroller and my mom and dad and I just trucking along in the freezing cold wind. Chase did not understand why his fingers were all red and frozen and kept throwing his coat on the ground. Poor buddy, plus it was way early in the morning. All the tiredness and coldness made me laugh and we got the kids to the car and turned up the heat as soon as possible. I have to admit, I was really wanting to run the 5k more than anything, but did not want to go into early labor ha ha. I miss running really bad and cant wait to feel healthy and strong enough to run again!
I think we watched 4 games of football the day after Thanksgiving. I also enjoyed spending time with mom shopping and getting our hair done! It was a blast and we miss everyone already! We have so much to be thankful for this year!
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