Every August, Our family (dad's side) spends around 10 days in rustic, rugged, raw, refreshing Montana. It is a magical escape full of peace and splendor. Jake and I (Andy was working-boo) drove 10 hours in a huge van that we rented with my bro, sis in law, niece Kate, and nephew Chase. Jake did phenomenal in the car AND the plane ride. He is a rockstar when it comes to traveling (lets hope that lasts). We stay in our family cabin/lodge that our was literally built from the ground up with the man power of many family members. The cabin is located in Jackson, MT with a population of
153, I kid you not, more cows than people folks. The cabin has sentimental value cause we all drug huge Montana rocks to construct the outside of the cabin and the fire place from all over Beaverhead County.